In memory of Lilias Wolkoff

In memory of Lilias Wolkoff

In memory of Lilias Wolkoff Bon Accord bobbins are very sad to announce the death of a founder member.  Lilias Wolkoff learned to make lace while stationed at Bletchley Park.  She was instrumental in starting up Bon Accord Bobbins in 1982 and she continued to attend...
Bon Accord Bobbins meetings resume

Bon Accord Bobbins meetings resume

Bon Accord Bobbins meetings resume B.A.B. has started meeting again in Ruthrieston Community Centre. We are socially distanced and as a consequence, the conversation is a bit limited compared to previously but we are enjoying being back together to share stories and...
Light at the end of the tunnel

Light at the end of the tunnel

Light at the end of the tunnel It is nearly a year since Bon Accord Bobbins met in the flesh! Now with a little light at the end of the tunnel, we can look forward to gathering together at Ruthrieston again hopefully soon. In the meantime keep those bobbins on the...
Lockdown Lace

Lockdown Lace

Lockdown Lace Bon Accord Bobbins are not meeting at the moment and are not planning to do so until after the normal summer break. However, members are finding that the lockdown has created more opportunities to progress or complete whatever lace projects they have...
Christmas break 2019

Christmas break 2019

Christmas break 2019 Bon Accord Bobbins are not meeting over the festive period, but we wish all members and friends of the group a Very Merry Christmas & a Happy New Year and look forward to seeing everyone again on 8th January...
Kitty & Carole course highlights 2018

Kitty & Carole course highlights 2018

Kitty & Carole course highlights 2018 20 ladies from two Aberdeen lace-making groups enjoyed a two-day course with Kitty Mason and Carole Smith, well-known teachers of bobbin lace in Scotland. The theme this year was Core Skills i.e. starting and finishing in...