by Edna | Nov 30, 2022 | News
40th Anniversay of Bon Accord Bobbins 2022 is the 40th Anniversary of our lace group. The AGM and anniversary lunch was held in the Athol Hotel. in Aberdeen and was attended by 18 members and previous members of the group. The group numbers have diminished somewhat...
by Edna | Jun 1, 2022 | Events
Closing dates for summer 2022 Bon Accord Bobbins closes from 30th June until 24th August. We look forward to welcoming members old and new back after the...
by Edna | Sep 15, 2021 | Events
Garioch Heritage Centre exhibition 2021 Bon Accord Bobbins has a display entered in the Creative Aberdeenshire exhibition at the Garioch Heritage Centre, Inverurie. which runs from 23rd September to 3rd October 2021. The centre is open from Thursday to...
by Edna | Aug 1, 2021 | News
In memory of Lilias Wolkoff Bon Accord bobbins are very sad to announce the death of a founder member. Lilias Wolkoff learned to make lace while stationed at Bletchley Park. She was instrumental in starting up Bon Accord Bobbins in 1982 and she continued to attend...
by Edna | Jun 1, 2021 | News
Bon Accord Bobbins meetings resume B.A.B. has started meeting again in Ruthrieston Community Centre. We are socially distanced and as a consequence, the conversation is a bit limited compared to previously but we are enjoying being back together to share stories and...