Edinburgh Lace Course

The Edinburgh Lace Course is an annual event held at Heriot Watt University over 5 days in July.  This year 68 lacemakers from all over the UK attended with tuition from 4 well known lace tutors – Kitty Mason, Carole Smith, Francis Bell and Claire Bonito.  The...

Summer holiday

Bon Accord Bobbins are not meeting over the summer until 21st August. If you would like any further information before then, you can use the “Contact Us” form on this site.
The Lace Beatitudes

The Lace Beatitudes

The Lace Beatitudes Blessed are they that have hard pillows, for they shall produce good work.Blessed are they that use cover cloths, for their work will be spotless.Blessed are they that prick all their patterns holes vertically, for they shall have accurate...
Kitty & Carole course highlights 2024

Kitty & Carole course highlights 2024

Kitty & Carole course highlights 2024 The 2024 Kitty & Carol course was held in Kemnay Village hall on 13th & 14th April. The theme this year was starting patterns in the round i.e. going in both directions. Delegates could as always pursue a project of...