by Edna | May 23, 2016 | News
Highland Show Success One of our ladies won third place in the Royal Highland show Handcrafts section with her bookmark. The theme was ” Little Miss...
by Edna | Apr 11, 2016 | News
Kitty & Carole course highlights 2016 The Kitty and Carole Course (9th & 10th April) was as always, a huge success. The deceptively simple houses they suggested we do, of course had a twist. We could follow their patterns or introduce our own ideas. A...
by Edna | Apr 2, 2016 | News
Newsletter 2016 We now have a Facebook page This is a ‘closed site’ so people will have to be invited or send in a request to join before they can see anything on the site. We hope this will be found by interested parties and bring new members to the club and also...