Happy new year 2018

Happy new year 2018

Happy new year 2018 Happy New Year to all members and friends. Hope 2018 brings good things to you all. The group is currently on a break for the festivities. Meetings start again on 10th Jan – usual time and place. Date for your diary. Kitty & Carole course...
Make a heart BHF 2018

Make a heart BHF 2018

Make a heart BHF 2018 The group is currently involved in a project to ” Make hearts for Valentine’s Day” The project is run in conjunction with the British Heart foundation and the hearts will be displayed/ sold for Valentine’s day in Edinburgh...
Make a heart BHF 2018

Nearly the end of 2017

Nearly the end of 2017 Another year is nearly at a close. Bon Accord Bobbins continues to meet on Wednesday mornings at Ruthrieston Community Centre. Numbers are dwindling a bit unfortunately so any suggestions about increasing membership are welcome. We did hold a...
Make a heart BHF 2018

Closing dates for summer 2016

Closing dates for summer 2016   School holidays coming up again so, no group meeting on Wednesday 12th and Wednesday 19th October 2016. Also, a date for your diary – The AGM and group lunch is on 30th November...
Make a heart BHF 2018

Friendship Day 2016 Highlights

Friendship Day 2016 Highlights In the absence of a Grampian Gathering this year a Friendship Day was held at Ruthrieston. 28 lace makers from up and down the country attended. Not sure a great deal of lace was being made but there was lots of chat over the pillows and...