Our Constitution

Name: The name of the Group will be ‘Bon-Accord Bobbins Lace Group’.

AIM: The Group aims to encourage the craft of Lacemaking at all levels, and in all its facets.


  1. To promote the art & craft of lacemaking.
  2. Encourage & develop lacemaking skills for existing and new members through sharing of knowledge & expertise.

The Group will meet every Wednesday from 9.30-11.30 at the discretion of Ruthrieston Community Centre.



1.1. The affairs of the Group shall be in the hands of sufficient office bearers to maintain the functioning of the group. There should be a lead person in the form of Chairperson or Chairperson/ Secretary, and Treasurer as a minimum with co-opted members as required to undertake specific tasks e.g. organising events / courses etc.

1.2 Once elected, Office Bearers and committee will be eligible for re-election annually up to a maximum of four years’ service.

1.3 In the event of an Office Bearer having to resign before the term of office is complete the remaining Office Bearers will have the right to co-opt a new member.



2.1 The Annual General Meeting of the Group shall be held within 13 months of the previous Annual General Meeting. The Chairperson’s Annual Report and audited accounts shall be presented at the Annual General Meeting, and 50% of the Group’s membership list at the time of the meeting shall constitute a quorum.

2.2 Annual General Meetings shall be called:

1. by the Office Bearers

2. by 50% of the Group’s members at the time of the meeting.

In either case one month’s notice of the Annual General Meeting must be given.



3.1 The Annual Subscription will be decided by majority vote at the AGM.

3.2 When the club incurs rental charges for accommodation, this will be shared equally by all members.

3.3. Members joining within the financial year will be required to pay a pro-rata amount up to the AGM as a lump sum at the rate equivalent to one twelfth of the annual fee per month ( e.g. 3 months of the annual fee = £20.00) (See also “Conditions of Membership” below)

(Full years fees 2023 = £80.00 )



4.1 The Group’s funds shall be banked and the accounts audited.

4.2 The auditor shall be independent of the Office Bearers.



5.1 Insurance – the Lace Guild will insure, free of charge, assets belonging to the Group, up to the value of £1000.

5.2 In the event of the Group winding up, all assets shall be divided equally between all paid-up members at that time. See also Para 7.

5.3 Any equipment owned by the Group shall be sold and the proceeds divided equally.



6.1 Applicants for membership of Bon-Accord Bobbins should have a basic interest in lacemaking.

6.2 Bon Accord Bobbins will endeavour to offer beginners a 10 week course of tuition at a rate of £2.00 per week (£20.00 for the course) to be ploughed back into the group.

6.3. A deposit of £20.00 for a starting set of equipment to be refunded on return of the equipment if not purchased.

6.4. Full payment of the annual fee as decided at the AGM to be paid at the AGM.

6.5 Visitors – Three (3) free visits per year (AGM to AGM) permitted.

6.6. Honorary membership may be conferred at the discretion of the committee and with the approval of the membership.


7. Dissolution of the group.

7.1 In the event of the group being unable to continue e.g. insufficient membership to generate enough income to meet financial commitments or failure to appoint office bearers as described in 1.1 or any other circumstances which prevents the group from continuing……

7.2 The decision to wind up the group will be made by a suitably convened meeting of the members.

7.3 The remaining committee

1. will ensure that any outstanding debts are paid.

2. that suitable arrangements are made for the storage/disposal of the group’s assets e.g.equipment books etc. (See para 5.3.)


This Constitution may only be amended at an Annual or Extraordinary meeting of the group.

Revised & adopted November 2022.