About us

Bon Accord Bobbins was formed in 1982 by a few dedicated Lace Makers with two of the more experienced members acting as tutors. Since then the group has gone from strength to strength. Tutors visited from England and Europe and the group quickly learned new techniques and challenges and the quality of lace improved rapidly.

Every year since 1982 a Lace Day has been held where we have had good quality speakers as well as suppliers who have enticed us to spend a few pounds here and there. Over the years as Aberdeen became heavily involved in the Oil industry we grew to be a multi national group and have French, Danish and Dutch as well as Scots, English and Welsh, lacemakers among our membership.

We demonstrate at National Trust properties around Aberdeenshire, women’s groups, schools, craft events and anywhere where there is an interest in the craft of lace making.

See our Constitution for more information about our core values and goals.

My lace journey started in 1990, I attended a Scout and Guide Camp at Chatsworth House Derbyshire, my host at that time was making a piece of lace, I said I was going to learn when I retired!!  She just laughed and told me to go and find a class, we remain very good friends. My tutor was Marie Smith. Still hooked on crafts but lacemaking is the best.

Margaret. R.

I’ve been interested in textiles all my life. I am a knitwear designer, and I like to learn new techniques. I like to challenge myself so I took up lace making and I’m enjoying it.


Our Logo

THE BADGE – designed by Catherine E. Lavis

SHAPE & COLOUR – inspired by the Scottish National Flag

BOBBINS – depict Lacemaking Craft. Cross formation as in the cross of St Andrews.- Patron Saint of Scotland

TWO LEOPARDS – from the Aberdeen Coat of Arms. They support a scroll bearing the word Bon Accord.

BON ACCORD BOBBINS – formed in 1982 our lacemaking group chose this name, the motto being: